JCL(Job Control Language)
1.1 JOB CONTROL LANGUAGE consists of control statements that:
- introduce a computer job to the operating system
- request hardware devices
- direct the operating system on what is to be done in terms of running applications and scheduling resources
JCL is not used to write computer programs. Instead it is most concerned with input/output--- telling the operating system everything it needs to know about the input/output requirements. It provides the means of communicating between an application program and the operating system and computer hardware.
The role of JCL sounds complex and it is---JCL can be downright difficult.
JCL can be difficult because of the way it is used. A normal programming language, however difficult, soon becomes familiar through constant usage. This contrasts with JCL in which language features are used so infrequently that many never become familiar.
JCL can be difficult because of its design - JCL:
- consists of individual parameters, each of which has an effect that may take pages to describe
- has few defaults--must be told exactly what to do
- requires specific placement of commas and blanks
- is very unforgiving--one error may prevent execution
JCL is not necessarily difficult because most users only use a small set of similar JCL that never changes from job to job.
Interactive Processing means that you give the computer a command and the computer responds to your command request. It is more like a conversation.
Batch Processing means that you give the computer a whole group of commands, usually in the form of some sort of program you have written, and have the computer process this group of commands. It is more like writing a letter.
| |
| |
| |
name field - identifies the statement so that other statements or the system can refer to it. The name field must begin immediately after the second slash. It can range from 1 to 8 characters in length, and can contain any alphanumeric (A to Z) or national (@ $ #) characters.
operation field - specifies the type of statement: JOB, EXEC, DD, or an operand command.
operand field - contains parameters separated by commas. Parameters are composites of prescribed words (keywords) and variables for which information must be substituted.
comments field - optional. Comments can be extended through column 80, and can only be coded if there is an operand field.
General JCL Rules:
- Must begin with // (except for the /* statement) in columns 1 and 2
- Is case-sensitive (lower-case is just not permitted)
- NAME field is optional
- must begin in column 3 if used
- must code one or more blanks if omitted
- OPERATION field must begin on or before column 16
- OPERATION field stands alone
- OPERANDS must end before column 72
- OPERANDS are separated by commas
- All fields, except for the operands, must be separated by one blank.
When the total length of the fields on a control statement exceeds 71 columns, continue the fields onto one or more following statements.
- Interrupt the field after a complete operand (including the comma that follows it) at or before column 71
- Code // in columns 1 and 2 of the following line
- Continue the interrupted statement beginning anywhere in columns 4 to 16.
JCL should be commented as you would any programming language. The comments statement contains //* in columns 1 to 3, with the remaining columns containing any desired comments. They can be placed before or after any JCL statements following the JOB statement to help document the JCL. Comments can also be coded on any JCL statement by leaving a blank field after the operand field.
JOB Identifies the beginning of a job
EXEC Indicates what work is to be done
DD Data Definition, i.e., Identifies what resources are needed and where to find them
The JOB statement informs the operating system of the start of a job, gives the necessary accounting information, and supplies run parameters. Each job must begin with a single JOB statement.//jobname JOB USER=userid
jobname - a descriptive name assigned to the job by the user which is the banner on your printout
- any name from 1 to 8 alphanumeric (A-Z,0-9) or national ($,@,#) characters
- first character must be alphabetic or national
JOB - indicates the beginning of a job
Userid - a 1 to 7 character user identification assigned to access the system
//jobname JOB USER=userid, TIME=m, MSGCLASS=class, NOTIFY=userid
USER=userid Identifies to the system the user executing the job
TIME=m Total machine (m)inutes allowed for a job to execute
MSGCLASS=class Output class for the job log
NOTIFY=userid User to receive a TSO message upon completion of a job
The MSGCLASS parameter allows you to specify the output class to which the operating system MVS is to write the job log or job entry subsystem (JES) messages. If you do not code the MSGCLASS parameter, MSGCLASS=J is the default and will be used. MSGCLASS=J indicates the output will be printed on 8 1/2" by 11" hole paper.
This includes the following:
1. Job Entry Subsystem (JES) Messages
2. Error Messages
3. JCL Statements
4. Dataset Dispositions
5. Accounting information
Here is a list of available output classes:
- A greenbar paper
- 5-9 TSO held output
- C-Z IBM page printer output classes. See chart in section "Sys-out Classes for IBM Print" on page 28.
Use the EXEC (execute) statement to identify the application program or cataloged or in-stream procedure that this job is to execute and to tell the system how to process the job.
//stepname EXEC procedure,REGION=####K or
//stepname EXEC PGM=program,REGION=####K
stepname - an optional 1 to 8 character word used to identify the step
EXEC - indicates that you want to invoke a program or cataloged procedure
procedure - name of the cataloged procedure to be executed
program - name of the program to be executed
REGION=####K - amount of storage to allocate to the job
// EXEC PGM=pgmname
A program referred to on the EXEC PGM= statement is a compiled and linked version of a set of source language statements that are ready to be executed to perform a designed task. It is also known as an executable load module. It must reside in a partitioned dataset.
// EXEC cataloged-procedure-name
Because the same set of JCL statements are often used repeatedly with little or no change they can be stored in cataloged procedures. JCL provides programmers with the option of coding these statements only once, recording and cataloging the statements under an appropriate name in a procedure library, and then invoking these statements through an EXEC statement. Such a previously established set of JCL statements is known as a "cataloged procedure." The effect of using a cataloged procedure is the same as if the JCL statements in the procedure appeared directly in the input stream in place of the EXEC statement calling the procedure. This saves the user from writing lengthy error-prone JCL statements. In short, this is JCL that does not have to be included in batch jobs.
* Note that within cataloged procedures a program will be executed.
5.1.1 Modifying Cataloged Procedures
Additional statements may be added to the JCL comprising a cataloged procedure at the time of invocation. Also, operand values on existing JCL statements may be altered or parameters defined in the procedure may be substituted at invocation time.
The value in the override statement replaces the value for the same parameter in the cataloged procedure. Cataloged procedure statements must be overridden in the same order as they appear in the procedure.
//procstepname.ddname DD parameter=value
You can modify cataloged procedures by:
- Overriding parameters in an existing DD statement
- Adding DD statements to the procedure. To add new DD statements let them follow any changed DD cards for that step.
To modify an existing DD statement, only those operands to be changed need be coded on the modifying DD statement. The remaining operands of the DD statement within the procedure will be unchanged. If more than one DD statement in a procedure is to be modified, the modifying DD statements must be placed in the same order as the original DD statements occur in the procedure.
To add a DD statement to an existing procedure, place the DD statement after the procdure invocation EXEC statement and any modified DD statements within the job step.
When looking at your output, the following symbols will determine what kind of statement is indicated when your job runs:
// Indicates JCL statements
XX Indicates cataloged procedure statements
X/ Indicates a modified cataloged procedures statement
A DD (Data Definition) statement must be included after the EXEC statement for each data set used in the step. The DD statement gives the data set name, I/O unit, perhaps a specific volume to use, and the data set disposition. The system ensures that requested I/O devices can be allocated to the job before execution is allowed to begin.
The DD statement may also give the system various information about the data set: its organization, record length, blocking, and so on.
//ddname DD operand,operand,etc.
ddname - a 1 to 8 character name given to the DD statement
DD - DD statement identifier
operand - parameters used to define the input or output dataset
The DD Statement
- appears after an EXEC statement
- gives the system information on many things, including the dataset attributes, the disposition of the dataset when the job completes, and which input/output device(s) to use
Instream data is perhaps the most common form of input. To include data in the input stream, code:
//ddname DD *
/* (to specify end of data)
SYSIN is often used as a ddname for instream data. The /* marks the end of the data.
6.2.1 Fortran Example
In this example, the userid UGUSER is executing a Fortran procedure with the Fortran program inserted after the FORT.SYSIN line and the data inserted after the GO.SYSIN line.
FORTRAN statements
data lines
6.2.2 SAS Example
In this example, the userid UGIBM is executing a SAS procedure with the SAS program inserted after the SYSIN line.
SAS statements
//ddname DD UNIT=unittype,
// DSN=userid.name,
// DISP=(beginning,normal-end,abnormal-end),
// SPACE=(TRK,(primary,secondary,directory)),
// RECFM=xx,LRECL=yy,MGMTCLAS=retainx
ddname - data definition name; a 1-8 character word of your choice, must begin with a letter or $, @, #
DD - DD statement identifier
UNIT = unittype - an I/O unit is a particular type of I/O device: a disk, tape, etc. UNIT=SYSDA refers to the next available disk storage device.
DSN=userid.name DSN parameter names the data set. Data sets can be temporary or nontemporary. A temporary data set is created and deleted within the job, whereas nontemporary data sets can be retained after the job completes. A data set name can contain up to 44 characters including periods.
mgmtclas - MGMTCLAS specifies the name of the Management Class which is a set of specifications for the way the storage occupied by the data set should be treated by SMS. Generally, this deals with how long you want to keep this data set around. UCNS has set up the following management classes:
MGMTCLAS | Days Retention | MGMTCLAS | Days Retention |
RETAIN1 | 1 | RETAIN9 | 9 |
RETAIN2 | 2 | RETAIN10 | 10 |
RETAIN3 | 3 | RETAIN14 | 14 |
RETAIN4 | 4 | RETAIN28 | 28 |
RETAIN5 | 5 | RETAIN56 | 56 |
RETAIN6 | 6 | RETAIN95 | 95 |
RETAIN7 | 7 | STANDARD | (18 months past last use) |
//ddname DD UNIT=unittype,VOL=SER=unitname,
// DSN=filename,
// DISP=(beginning,normal-end,abnormal-end),
// DCB=(RECFM=xx,LRECL=yy,BLKSIZE=zz,DEN=density),
// LABEL=(file#,labeltype,,mode)
ddname - data definition name; a 1-8 character word of your choice, must begin with a letter or $, @, #
DD - DD statement identifier
UNIT=unittype - an I/O unit is a particular type of I/O device: disk, tape, etc.
TAPE16 refers to a 1600 bpi tape drive
TAPE62 refers to a 6250 bpi tape drive
TAPECA refers to a 38K or XF catridge tape drive
VOL=SER=unitname - VOL=SER parameter is needed if the data set is to be placed on a specific tape volume. This refers to the volume serial number on an internal tape label.
DSN=filename - DSN parameter names the file on the tape. The filename can be from 1 to 17 characters in length.
6.4.1 Disposition (DISP) Parameters
The DISP parameter describes the current status of the data set (old, new, or to be modified) and directs the system on the disposition of the dataset (pass, keep, catalog, uncatalog, or delete) either at the end of the step or if the step abnormally terminates. DISP is always required unless the data set is created and deleted in the same step.
// DISP = (beginning, normal-termination ,abnormal-termination)
_________ _________________ ___________________
| | |
UNCATLG Beginning Dispositions
This is the status of the data set at the beginning of the step. If the data set is new, the system creates a data set label; if it is old, the system locates it and reads its label
NEW creates a new data set
OLD designates an existing data set; it can be an input data set or an output data set to rewrite
SHR identical to OLD except that several jobs may read from the data set at the same time.
MOD modifies a sequential data set - positions the pointer at the end of the data set in order to add new data to the data set. Normal Termination and Abnormal Termination Dispositions
Normal disposition, the second term in the DISP parameter, indicates the disposition of the data set when the data set is closed or when the job terminates normally. The abnormal dispositions, effective only if the step abnormally terminates, are the same as normal dispositions except that PASS is not allowed.
PASS passes the data set on to subsequent job steps, and each step can use the data set once.
KEEP keeps nontemporary data sets.
DELETE deletes data sets.
CATLG catalogs a nontemporary data set. CATLG is similar to KEEP except that the unit and volume of the data set are recorded in the catalog along with the data set name.
UNCATLG uncatalogs a data set. UNCATLG is the same as KEEP except that the data set name is removed from the catalog. Examples of DISP parameters
// DISP=SHR | read from |
// DISP=OLD | write to |
// DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE) | create and catalog; delete if there is a system abend |
// DISP=(OLD,PASS) | dataset already exists; pass it to the next step |
// DISP=MOD | write to the bottom of an existing dataset |
6.4.2 SPACE Parameter
All new data sets on disk volumes must be allocated space. Storage on disk volumes can be allocated in units of blocks, cylinders, tracks, kilobytes and bytes.
The space may be requested as a primary and a secondary amount. The primary amount is allocated when the data set is opened with a disposition of NEW. The secondary amount is allocated if the primary amount is exceeded.
The primary amount can be conservative, with the secondary amount providing a reserve. The secondary amount provides for data set growth over time.
// SPACE=(TRK, (primary, secondary, directory))
primary receive this amount of space initially
secondary receive this amount of space each time more is needed (up to 15 times)
directory reserve this amount of blocks to keep the directory of a partitioned dataset (NOT USED for a sequential dataset)
1 directory block allows for 5 members in a partitioned dataset
Total Space = (1 * primary) + (15 * secondary) Partitioned Dataset vs. Sequential Dataset
Any named collection of data is called a data set. A partitioned dataset consists of multiple files within one data structure. A sequential dataset consists of one file within a data structure.
Partitioned Dataset
- individual members are read/manipulated without disturbing other members
- it is advisable to never write directly to a partitioned dataset in your program
- on DD statememt: DSN=userid.file(member)
- call from editor: file(member)
Sequential Dataset
- dataset must be read from top to bottom
- on DD statement: DSN=userid.file
- call from editor: file
| ______________
A partitioned dataset differs from a sequential dataset in that it has a directory of its members. Whenever you refer to a member of a partitioned dataset, you include the member name in parentheses. DFSMS (System Managed Datasets)
On the TSO service, data sets are typically created and reside on disk volumes. A volume is a standard unit of storage. These disk volumes are referred to as DASD, which stands for Direct Access Storage Device. Each block of data on a DASD volume has a distinct location and a unique address, making it possible to find any record without extensive searching. One DASD volume can be used for many different data sets, and space on it can be reallocated and reused.
At the
DFSMS stores data in a device-independent format so that it can easily move the data to any of the following devices:
- 3490E Magnetic Catridge Tape
- DASD for models 3380 and 3390
The migration and movement of data depends on such factors as:
- Management Class
- Data set Usage
- Minimum percent free space on a DASD Volume
- Request by storage administrator or user
DFSMS records the location of each dataset it moves in a control data set. The actual migration is handled by DFHSM (Data Facilities Hierarchical Storage Manager). DFHSM is a DASD management product tool for managing low-activity and inactive data.
Data sets that have reached the end of their retention period (expired) will be deleted. Data sets with a management class of STANDARD will be deleted if the data set has not been referenced for a period of eighteen months. A notification will be sent to the user after a STANDARD data set has not been referenced for six months informing the user of the STANDARD deletion policy. At this time the data set will be moved to tape.
All data sets that have a management class of RETAIN95 or STANDARD will be automatically backed up by DFHSM. Two copies of each will be kept. The change indicator will trigger the backup after the first backup is made. A user can use the HBACK command to add non-STANDARD and non-RETAIN95 data sets to this. SPACE Parameter (Partitioned Dataset)
// SPACE=(TRK,(primary,secondary,directory))
This SPACE example allows a total of 40 tracks for the dataset with 1 block of space reserved for the directory.
// SPACE=(TRK,(10,2,1))
Total Space = (1*10) + (15*2) = 10 + 30 = 40 tracks
Directory = (1*5) = 5 members/dataset
This SPACE example allows a total of 100 tracks for the dataset with 8 blocks reserved for the directory.
// SPACE=(TRK,(25,5,8))
Total Space = (1*25) + (15*5) = 25 + 75 = 100 tracks
Directory = (8*5) = 40 members/dataset
* Note that the track capacity for 3380 is 1 track = 47,476 characters. SPACE Parameter (Sequential Dataset)
// SPACE=(TRK,(primary,secondary))
This SPACE example allows a total of 53 tracks for the dataset.
// SPACE=(TRK,(8,3))
Total Space = (1*8) + (15*3) = 8 + 43 = 53 tracks
This SPACE example allows a total of 520000 bytes for the dataset.
// SPACE=(80,(5000,100))
Total Space = (1*400000) + (15*8000) = 400000 + 120000 = 520000 bytes
* Note that directory blocks are always 0 for sequential datasets; therefore, the directory parameter is NOT USED for sequential datasets.
6.4.3 Data Set Attributes
With SMS, you do not need to use the DCB parameter to specify data set attributes. ALL of the DCB keyword subparameters (record length, record format, and blocksize) can be specified without the need to code DCB=.
For example, the following DD statement:
can be specified as:
The blocksize parameter can be omitted because SMS will select the optimum blocksize.
RECFM=xx specifies the record format. The format can be one or more of the following characters:
F fixed-length records
V variable-length records
U undefined-length records
FB fixed and blocked
FBA fixed, blocked, with ANSI carriage control characters
VB variable and blocked
VBA variable, blocked, with ANSI carriage control characters
LRECL=yy specifies the length of records
equal to the record length for fixed-length records
equal to the size of the largest record plus the 4 bytes describing the record's size for
variable-length records
omit the LRECL for undefined records
LRECL can range from 1 to 32760 bytes
BLKSIZE=zz specifies the blocksize if you wish to block records
- must be a multiple of LRECL for fixed-length records
- must be equal to or greater than LRECL for variable-length records
- must be as large as the longest block for undefined-length records
- BLKSIZE can range from 1 to 32760 bytes Fixed Block
This dataset will have fixed length records with a length of 80. There will be 113 records of data per block.
BLKSIZE/LRECL = 9040/80 = 113 records of data per block Variable Block
This dataset will have variable length records with a maximum of 255 characters. The blocksize of the dataset will be 3120.
6.4.4 DCB and LABEL Parameters for Tapes
RECFM=xx specifies the record format. The format can be one or more of the following characters:
F fixed-length records
V variable-length records
U undefined-length records
FB fixed and blocked
FBA fixed, blocked, with ANSI carriage control characters
VB variable and blocked
VBA variable, blocked, with ANSI carriage control characters
LRECL=yy specifies the length of records
equal to the record length for fixed-length records
equal to the size of the largest record plus the 4 bytes describing the record's size for variable- length records
omit the LRECL for undefined records
LRECL can range from 1 to 32760 bytes
BLKSIZE=zz specifies the blocksize if you wish to block records
must be a multiple of LRECL for fixed-length records
must be equal to or greater than LRECL for variable-length records
must be as large as the longest block for undefined-length records
BLKSIZE can range from 1 to 32760 bytes
DEN=density measures the number of bits that are stored in a unit of measurement on the tape. This measurement is commonly referred to as BPI (bits per inch).
densities are represented in the DEN parameter as follows:
2 800 BPI
3 1600 BPI
4 6250 BPI
when adding files to an existing tape all new files will be written at the same density as the first file no matter if you specify differently.
The LABEL parameter tells the type of label, the relative file number on the tape, and whether the data set is to be protected for input or output.
// LABEL=(file#,labeltype,,mode)
file - the relative file number on the tape (1-4 digits)
type - the type of label on the tape
NL No Label
SL Standard Label
AL American National Standard Label
BLP Bypass Label Processing
mode IN/OUT parameter
IN protects the file from being opened for output
OUT protects it from being opened for input
// LABEL=(3,SL,,IN) File 3 on a SL tape can only be read
// LABEL=(1,NL,,OUT) File 1 on a NL tape is open for output
6.5.1 Fortran Job for Reading from Disk Dataset
In this example, the userid UGIBM is executing a Fortran procedure with the Fortran program inserted after the FORT.SYSIN line, and the data is being read by UNIT 3 from the data set UGIBM.FOOD.
read(3,10) x,y
10 format(1x,f4.1,1x,f4.1)
6.5.2 SAS Job for
In this example, the userid UGIBM is executing a SAS procedure with the SAS program inserted after the SYSIN line and the data is being read from the data set UGIBM.DATA.
data one; infile olddata;
input x y z;
6.5.3 Fortran Job for Writing to Disk Dataset
In this example, the userid UGABC is executing a Fortran procedure with the Fortran program inserted after the FORT.SYSIN line, and the results are written by UNIT 8 to the data set UGABC.NEWFILE. This dataset will only be retained for 7 days. If the user decides to keep the dataset for a longer period of time, the ALTER command can be issued. For example, ALTER 'UGABC.NEWFILE' MGMTCLAS(RETAIN14), will keep the dataset around for another week. Since the BLKSIZE is not specified, SMS will determine the most efficient blocksize.
write(8,10) x,y
10 format(1x,f4.1,1x,f4.1)
// SPACE=(TRK,(40,10),RLSE),
6.5.4 SAS Job for Writing to Disk Dataset
In this example, the userid UGXYZ is executing a SAS procedure with the SAS program inserted after the SYSIN line and the results are written to the data set UGXYZ.SAS.DATA. This dataset, based on the management class of standard, will be retained on the system as long as the user utilizes it.
// SPACE=(TRK,(40,10),RLSE),
data example;
input x y z;
1 2 3
4 5 6
data _null_; set example; file newdata;
put x y z;
The SYSOUT parameter provides a convenient means of routing output to printers or other devices.
//ddname DD SYSOUT=class
ddname - a 1 to 8 character name given to the DD statement
DD - DD statement identifier
SYSOUT=class - defines this data set as a system output data set, usually called a sysout data set and assigns this sysout data set to an output class. Here is a list of available output classes:
- A greenbar paper
- 5-9 TSO held output
- C-Z IBM page printer output classes. See chart in section "Sysout Classes for IBM Print" on page 28.
* same class as specified on the MSGCLASS parameter
* Note that if a sysout data set has the same class as the MSGCLASS parameter, the job log appears on the same output listing as this sysout data set.
C | hole | landscape | 1 | 1 | 132 | 62 |
D | hole | portrait | 1 | 1 | 80 | 62 |
F | bond | landscape | 2 | 1 | 132 | 62 |
G | bond | portrait | 2 | 1 | 80 | 62 |
H | bond | landscape | 2 | 2 | 90 | 80 |
I | bond | portrait | 2 | 1 | 80 | 70 |
J | hole | landscape | 2 | 1 | 132 | 62 |
K | hole | portrait | 2 | 1 | 80 | 62 |
Q | bond | landscape | 1 | 1 | 132 | 62 |
S | bond | portrait | 1 | 1 | 80 | 62 |
W | hole | portrait | 2 | 2 | 132 | 62 |
X | bond | portrait | 2 | 2 | 132 | 62 |
Y | bond | landscape | 2 | 1 | 132 | 62 |
Z | hole | landscape | 2 | 1 | 132 | 62 |
Graybar Overlay: The paper used for classes C,F,H,J, and Q is shaded to mimic standard greenbar paper.
Service Site Page Printers: To route your output to one of the page printers in the Journalism or Aderhold sites, you must use a SYSOUT class or message class (MSGCLASS) with a paper type of "hole" (C, D, J, K, W, or Z).
Line Printer SYSOUT Class: To route your output to a line printer, use a SYSOUT class or message class (MSGCLASS) of A. Your output will be printed on greenbar paper.
Special Hold Classes: To route your output to a hold queue, use a SYSOUT class or message class (MSGCLASS) of 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9.
* SYSOUT class values may be used for message class (MSGCLASS).
The OUTPUT statement is used to specify processing options for a system output data set. These options are used only when the OUTPUT statement is explicitly or implicitly referenced by a sysout DD statement.
//name OUTPUT FORMDEF=fdef,PAGEDEF=pdef,CHARS=ch,FORMS=form,
name - a 1 to 8 character name given to the OUTPUT statement
OUTPUT - OUTPUT statement identifier
FORMDEF=fdef - specifies whether to use duplex or simplex and overlay
DUP1 duplex, no overlay
DUP2 duplex, grey bar overlay
SMP1 simplex, no overlay
SMP2 simplex, grey bar overlay
PAGEDEF=pdef - specifies the logical page length and width, fonts, lines within a page, and multiple logical pages on a physical page
POR1 portrait, 62 lines at 6 lines per inch
POR2 portrait, 70 lines at 6 lines per inch
POR3 portrait, 2 up format, 62 lines per frame
LAN1 landscape, 62 lines at 8 lines per inch
LAN2 landscape, 2 up format, 80 lines per frame
CHARS=ch - names the character set
GT12 Gothic font at 12 characters per inch
GT13 Gothic font at 13 characters per inch
GT18 Gothic font at 18 characters per inch
FORMS=form - specifies the type of form
BOND plain bond paper
HOLE 3 hole drilled bond paper
COPIES=n - specifies how many copies of the sysout data set are to be printed
DEST=dest - specifies a printer destination for the sysout data set
LOCAL Boyd Graduate Studies
SSS02 Journalism Building
SSS03 Aderhold Building
NCT19 Brooks Hall
DEFAULT=dd - specifies that this OUTPUT statement can or cannot be referenced by a sysout DD statement
YES specifies that this is the default OUTPUT statement for for all print files within a job
NO specifies that this is not the default OUTPUT statement
* Note if you are going to HOLD a print dataset with an OUTPUT statement associated with it, you will have to fully specify all of the parameters on the OUTPUT statement. Contact the UCNS Helpdesk for more details.
To request that the "gray bar" overlay not print on a landscape sysout class for all print files, code:
To request simplex (one sided) printing for a duplex sysout class for all print files, code:
To request multiple copies of a print file, code:
- with -
The //*MAIN statement is used to define the processor requirements for the current job. It specifies what time the job will be executed, how many lines in the job, and where the job is to be printed.
CLASS=x specifies the job class for this job
B Batch (default) Anytime daily
NITE 6:00 PM until 7:00 AM daily
WEEKEND 6:00 PM Friday until 7:00 AM Monday
Z 1:30 AM until 7:00 AM daily, weekends, holidays
BL 6:00 PM until 7:00 AM daily, more than 8 MEG region
ZL 1:30 AM until 7:00 AM daily, more than 8 MEG region
LINES specifies the maximum number of lines of data to be printed from this job in multiples of a thousand (default = 5000)
ORG=UGAIBM1.org specifies a printer destination for the sysout dataset
LOCAL Boyd Graduate Studies
SSS02 Journalism Building
SSS03 Aderhold Building
NCT19 Brooks Hall
Since TSO is a time sharing operating system, it allows many people to use the computer at the same time in such a way that each is unaware that the computer is being used by others. Time sharing attempts to to maximize an individuals use of the computer, not the efficiency of the computer itself. In order to do this, job scheduling is used to assign jobs to a certain class in order to maximize the resources available to each user.
| __________ 3
NITE | ____ 2
Any job can be scheduled to run at night or on the weekend by coding:
9.2.1 Table of Resource Limitations for Job Scheduling
Priority | CPU Time (seconds) | Region (K) | Estimated Lines | Setups Required |
6 | 0-30 | 0-2048 | 0-5000 | 0 |
4 | 32-120 | 2049-3072 | 5001-10000 | 0 |
3 | 121-300 | 3073-4096 | 10001-40000 | 1-3 |
2 | 301+ | 4097+ | 40000+ | 4+ |
The //*OPERATOR statement is primarily used to issue a message to the operator requesting that the tape with the specific VRN, VSN and KEYWORD is to be mounted for the job.
VRN will be assigned when the tape is checked in. This identifies the tape in the tape library. Cartridge Tapes must have #C in the first two column positions on the vrn parameter.
VSN the volume serial number on the the internal label of a standard labeled tape. This must be the actual internal label. For non-labeled tapes, this can be any arbitrary name. In both cases, the VSN must match the VOL=SER parameter on the DD card.
KEY is a password that you will assign to the tape for security purposes. The operator will check the keyword in your JCL against the keyword on the tape before mounting the tape.
The //*Operator statement in the JCL stream is placed after the JOB or //*MAIN statement and before the EXEC statement. Each //*Operator statement should be referenced by a DD statement to read or write a file to the tape.
The following example illustrates the operator card with the referencing DD statement. Note that the VSN and the VOL=SER must be the same. In this example, the user is going to read the first file on a standard labeled (SL) tape with the name COWDATA. The tape is going to be read on a 6250 BPI tape drive.
//STEP1 EXEC ...
// LABEL=(1,SL,,IN),
In this example, the userid UGA001 is executing a Fortran procedure with the Fortran program inserted after the FORT.SYSIN line and the data inserted after the GO.SYSIN line. This job will not begin executing until after 6:00PM, and the output will be held to the terminal by the MSGCLASS=6.
read(5,10) cent
10 format(f6.2)
write(6,20) cent,fahr
20 format(f6.2,' cent = ',f6,2,'fahr')
In this example, the userid RESRCH is executing a SAS procedure with the SAS program inserted after the SYSIN line and the data is being read from the first file of a standard labeled cartridge tape with the file name of DATAFIL. The output will go directly to the printer with the sysout class of S.
// LABEL=(1,SL,,IN),
data one;
infile sampdata;
input a b c d;
proc print;
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- Common IBM System Error Messages and Abend Codes
- The Case of the Sinister Syntax Error
- Facility Access and Services Guide
- IBM MVS JCL Publication No. GC28-1300 - This manual is the basic reference document on the syntax and usage of IBM JCL. This manual is available for reference at the Client Services Help Desk.
- System/370 Job Control Language by Gary Deward Brown - This reference is a standard and popular textbook for introducing IBM JCL to persons familiar with computers but not necessarily IBM 370 systems.
JCL Utilities:-
JCL (Job Control Language)
JCL or Job Control Language is used to communicate with the computer’s operating system. A JOB is a unit of work the computer is to perform. A JOB STREAM consists of JCL statements, programs that are to be executed, and data that are to be processed. The data included in the job stream are called INPUT STREAM DATA
JCL statements :-
JOB statement :- The first statement in a job stream must be a job statement whose function is to identify the job to the system.
EXEC statement :- The job statement is usually followed by an exec statement. The exec statement names the program or the procedure that is to be executed.
DD statement :- Following the exec statement are the DD statements (data definition) statements. The DD statements describe the data used by the program.
The other JCL statements are delimiter, null, comment, proc & pend.
An EXEC statement and its DD statements make up a job step.
A job may consist of 255 job steps.
The job, exec & DD statements have a common format which is :-
//name operation operand comments
Job executes procedures, procedures have various steps to execute various programs, which use parameters and parameter files.
Naming conventions :-
Jobs will be held in datasets with .cntl or .jcl extension
Procedures will be held in datasets with proclib or proc extension
Parameters used will be held in datasets with .parm or parmlib extensions
Parameters :-
There are two kinds of parameters in the operand field :- positional and keyword parameters. The operating system recognizes positional parameters by their position in the operand field. Keyword parameters can be coded in any order. Positional parameters must be coded in a specific order before any keyword parameter.
Consider the job statement :-
Positional parameters
| Keyword parameters
Controlling step execution
The COND parameter.
The COND parameter offers a method of testing the return codes issued by the previous steps to determine whether a step will be executed. The format of a simplified version of the COND parameter is COND =(value,operator). Value is a no. between 0 and 4095 and operator could be gt, ge, eq, ne, lt, le. The COND parameter causes the value entered to be tested against the return codes from the previous steps, using the operator provided. If the test condition is true, the step is skipped. If the test condition is false, the step is executed.
Symbolic parameters
Symbolic parameters offer a convenient way of changing a procedure to fit your requirement. Consider the example procedure-proglod, sysctl, sym, etc. are all symbolic parameters. Symbolic parameter names may consist of from one to seven alphanumeric or national characters preceded by an ampersand. The first character however must be alphabetic / national. Exec statement keyword parameters may not be used as names of symbolic parameters. For e.g., & REGION. This restriction does not extend to DD statement keyword parameters. For e.g. &DSN can be used as symbolic parameter.
Linkage parameter
Linkage parameters are used in COBOL programs. Linkage parameters are passed on to the COBOL programs through JCL by coding ‘parm=‘ parameter in the exec statement. Whenever linkage parameters have to be used, Linkage section has to be coded in the COBOL program after the data division and the procedure division should specify the use of linkage section.
Generation Data Groups(GDG)
A generation data group is a collection, or group, of cataloged data sets having the same name and related to one another chronologically. Each of these datasets is called a generation data set or, simply, a generation.
Each generation data set is distinguished by others by the generation number.
The main advantage of using a GDG is that the same JCL can be reused without change.
Generation group index contains information on how many generations are to be retained and what to do when the index gets full.
Defining a generation group index using IDCAMS :-
IDCAMS is the name of the access method services utility program that performs functions vital to the virtual storage access method (VSAM).
IDCAMS requires a region of 300K, a SYSPRINT DD statement for messages and a SYSIN DD statement for control statements.
The command format :-DEFINE GDG (PARMS).
Define GDG parameters
Parameter | Abbrv | Meaning |
| GDD name. |
LIMIT | LIM | The no. Of generations permitted for this gdg
EMPTY | EMP | If empty is specified, all data sets are to be removed
NOEMPTY | NEMP | NOEMPTY is the default. |
| User identification (optional). |
SCRATCH | SCR | If Scratch is specified, the dataset is scratched when
NOSCRATCH | NSCR | NOSCRATCH is the default. |
TO (date |
| Dataset retention period. |
FOR(days) |
| Dataset retention period. |
Creating and accessing a generation
The generation number may be relative or absolute.
If the DS name in the group is
then to access the current generation,
you code DSN=DDSNUS.DEVTDV.DD460302(0).
To access the previous generation,
you code DSN= DDSNUS.DEVTDV.DD460302(-1)
the generation before would be
If you want to create a new generation,
you code DSN= DDSNUS.DEVTDV.DD460302(+1).
The absolute no. used by the system is in the form GXXXXVYY,where xxxx is a generation no. from 0000 to 9999 and yy is a version no. from 00 to 99.
Thus the generation specified as DSN= DDSNUS.DEVTDV.DD460302(0) might appear to the system, for e.g.. ,as
Then the data set with a relative no. of (-1) would be DDSNUS.DEVTDV.DD460302.G0005V00,
(+1) would be DSNUS.DEVTDV.DD460302.G0007V00.
Another name for a library is a partitioned data set(PDS).
Libraries can be created,accessed & modified using utility programs like IEFBR14, IEBGENER, IEBPTPCH, IEBUPDTE, IEBCOPY, etc.
IEFBR14, IEBGENER & IEBCOPY are the most frequently used utilities on any project.
Strictly speaking it is not a utility program because it does nothing. It clears register 15 and BR(branch) 14.
It is used to create or delete a library based on the DD statement parameters.
IEBGENER uses four data sets described by SYSPRINT, SYSIN, SYSUT1 & SYSUT2.
SYSPRINT is the DDNAME of the data set that IEBGENER uses to write messages.
SYSIN is the DDNAME of the data set that contains the control statements to tell IEBGENER how the input data set should be modified while it is being copied.
SYSUT1 is the DDNAME of the input data set that IEBGENER is to copy.
SYSUT2 is the DDNAME of the output data set that is to be created.
IEBCOPY is a utility program that may be used to copy one or more members from an existing PDS to a new or existing PDS, to make a backup copy of a PDS, and to reorganize a PDS in order to reclaim the unused space.
Sorting means putting records in a data set into a specified order.
Merging is closely related to sorting; it means combining records from two or more sorted datasets into one data set that is in the same order.
The sort program requires three pieces of information: where to find the input data, which fields in the records to do the sorting on, and where to put the sorted output data set.
Sort control statements
The most commonly used sort control statements are SORT and MERGE.
A typical control statement would look like : SORT FIELDS=(1,10,CH,A).
The syntax for the fields parameter is FIELDS=(position,length,format,sequence...) or FIELDS=(position,length,sequence...), FORMAT=format.
Position is the starting byte of the control field in the record.
Length is the length in bytes of the control field.
Format is the format of the data in the control field.
Commonly used values for format are ZD for zoned decimal, PD for packed decimal, BI for binary, AC for ASCII character, CH for EBCDIC character, AQ for EBCDIC character using alternative collating sequence.
Sequence is either A for ascending or D for descending.
The include & omit statements The include & omit statements are used to select the records to be included in the sort. By selecting records for the sort, you can decrease the amount of time the sort requires.
Only one include or omit statement is permitted in a sort. The syntax is include cond=(test) & omit cond=(test)
The only difference between include & omit is in the result. If test coded with include is true for a particular record, that record is included in the sort; whereas if test coded with omit is true, that record is omitted from the sort.
In either case test is coded as follows test=(position,length,format,operator,value) The position,length & format sub parameters specify a field in the record,just as in sort fields parameter.
The operator sub parameter may be GT, GE,
The last sub parameter, value, may be either a field in the record-specified by its own position, length & format, or a constant.
Numeric constants are coded as simple values, such as 15 or -20. Character constants are enclosed in apostrophes and preceded by a c,as in c’dec’. Hexadecimal constants are enclosed in apostrophes and preceded by an x,as in x’f1f2c3’.
If more than one test is coded, the tests are joined by the boolean operator AND or OR..
A typical include statement would look like : INCLUDE COND=(29,1,CH,EQ,C’L’)
The INREC & OUTREC statements : These statements are used to reformat the records.
The INREC statement is used before sort to shorten the records by eliminating unwanted fields. This results in faster sorting.
The OUTREC statement is used after the sort to improve readability.
INREC & OUTREC have identical formats: INREC FIELDS=(nX,position,length,align,...)
OUTREC FIELDS=(nX,position,length,align,...)
The first sub parameter,nX,is optional; it specifies the no. of spaces to be inserted in the reformatted record.
The next two parameters, position & length, specify the field in the input record.
The third sub parameter, align, is optional; the possible values being H, F, and D specify alignment on a half-word, full-word, and double-word boundary respectively.
When you merge, you start with two or more sorted data sets and create a new data set that is in the same sorted order.
While merging you must specify more than one input data set. These data sets have the DD names SORTINnn, where nn may range from 01 to 16.
SKIPREC & EQUALS / NOEQUALS options are not used on the merge statement.
The sort control statements are normally coded in a parameter file.
VSAM Data sets
There are three types of VSAM data sets : key sequence data sets,entry sequence data sets, and relative record data sets. For VSAM data sets, unlike non-vsam data sets, a utility program, IDCAMS is used to perform functions like :
1. Allocating space on DASD
2. Supply description of the data set
3. Set the data set’s disposition
4. Load the data set
5. Print the data set
is the command using which all the descriptive information about the VSAM data set is supplied.
command may be used to load data into a VSAM data set.
command is used to obtain a listing of a VSAM data set.
utility from ISPF primary menu(v.1) can be used to allocate / manage VSAM data sets.
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